feeling stuck?

Tired of the Demands and LIMITED RETURNS of Classroom Teaching?

Tired of the Demands and Long Hours of Classroom Teaching?

Perhaps NOW is the time to create a peaceful business you LOVE, make a bigger impact with students, enjoy a schedule of your own design, and leave a legacy.

Discover How to Transition From the Classroom into Your Own Profitable Learning Success Coaching Practice and Replace Your Income... BEFORE YOU HAND IN YOUR KEYS!

The Teacher's Epic Exit Plan - A Heart Centric Pathway to Freedom -

How to Fulfill Your Purpose, Work from Home, and Earn a Great Income

THE TEACHER'S EPIC EXIT PLAN - A Heart Centric Pathway to Freedom - How to Fulfill Your Purpose, Work from Home, and Earn a Great Income

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Hey, I’m Kohila Sivas.

I help teachers like yourself reach your full potential so you can make a bigger impact with students, reduce your work hours and increase your income.

Dear Undervalued, Underappreciated Teacher:

If you’re like many teachers, you’ve been fighting a constant internal battle for YEARS - probably since you realized that what you do in the classroom does not align with your original motivations for becoming a teacher. Perhaps you’re thinking….

What can I do to amplify my skills and make a bigger impact with students so I can do what I love, but at the same time earn a reliable and predictable income and be in more control of my life?

Maybe you’re looking to spend more time with your family…or maybe you simply need more time for you.

Here's The Good News...

It is ABSOLUTELY POSSIBLE to fulfill your purpose in a way that gives you the freedom to leave the classroom, or to enjoy a supplementary income for your retirement, or to add to your current salary. In fact, you can easily replace your income, and EXCEED it, working part time hours, WHILE you continue to teach.

What I’m about to share with you is BY FAR the most profitable and most fulfilling stay-at-home teacher gig out there.

If you’re thinking, “Yeah, I’ve heard THAT one before…”

Keep reading, and let me prove to you why…


You'll be able to choose your own students, and create transformational results.

You'll have more free time to regenerate and focus on yourself and your family.

You'll enjoy long term relationships with your students and a schedule of your own design.

You can work with students remotely, so you or your students can literally be anywhere there is an internet connection.

If you choose to leave the classroom, there will no longer be any commuting, staff meetings or extra-curricular activities. As a result, you’ll have far more energy, creativity and motivation, and you’ll finally be in control of your results and your process.

And financially, –your value will increase exponentially. You’ll be rewarded for what you do.

Getting started is easy, and I’ll teach you all the basics in my book.

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My New Book Will Show You How You Can:

Create a peaceful business and enjoy work/life balance.

Step into a new identity as an Independent Educator.

Increase your value and your confidence.

Attract families who you want to work with

Replace your income before you leave the classroom

Get exceptional student results working on your own terms

Find support and friendships among the Neurogrowth Learning Success Coaching community.

My Name Is Kohila Sivas...

I’m a math teacher, former tutor and Learning Success Coach who has worked with private students for over 24 years. Over ten years ago, I quit the classroom to go all in on my own business so I could have more control over my teaching process. Quite frankly, the broken education system did not agree with me.

What happened? From the get-go, I worked 60-70 hour weeks as a tutor to support myself and my son before I realized something need to change.

What I finally developed was a model and systems that not only served my needs and those of my family but improved the results I got with ALL my students. That was the beginning of my transformation into a Wholistic Neurogrowth Learning Success Coach.

These days I continue to work with a select group of students, and I earn over 6 figures per year working less than 20 hours per week.

After successfully helping one of my colleagues set up the same Learning Success Coach model and seeing her achieve incredible results, I realized that other teachers would benefit. With so many passionate teachers leaving the profession I decided to launch the Learning Success Coach Certification program.

Now I show other teachers how to fulfill their purpose in a new way, so they can amplify their skills to achieve transformational results with their students, and easily replace and exceed their teacher salaries working from home while enjoying true life-work balance!

Let me show you why working as a Learning Success Coach is right for you:

See What Others Are Saying:

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Difference Makers Are In Demand

All over the world, parents are seeking experts to work with their children.

This was true before the pandemic, but since ‘learning-loss’ became the new reality, it has increased exponentially.

Many parents have lost confidence with the current school system. They want their kids to learn in another way, with passionate and focused educators. They’re looking for solutions outside of the school system, seeking alternative solutions and specialized learning programs.

If you are a skilled and confident teacher, there is unlimited opportunity to position yourself to fill that vast and wide need.

And operating an online business as a Wholistic Learning Success Coach places you firmly inside the multi-billion-dollar growth industry of online education.

Do you now see why it’s possible to easily create a reliable and predictable income?

Right now, it’s the most stable and flexible opportunity out there for teachers who want to leave the classroom.

You control your outcomes. You choose your work hours, your location, your income, and who you work with. And you can continue to enjoy your summer off.

Best of all,

You can amplify your existing skills and experience without re-training or starting from scratch.

This is NOT tutoring and MORE than teaching.

Tutoring too often means short-term relationships, unrealistic expectations, and an irregular schedule and income.

Teaching too often means delivering a flawed curriculum to the middle of the class, leaving too many kids behind.

You don’t want that.

Instead, you want to position yourself uniquely and stand apart from the crowd.

And that is what we do as Neurogrowth Learning Success Coaches.

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Exactly What You're Getting

This is delivered as an eBook

My book is called THE TEACHERS EPIC EXIT PLAN: A Heart Centric Pathway to Freedom - How to Fulfill Your Purpose, Work from Home and Earn a Great Income.

It walks you through the pros and cons of working independently, how to avoid common pitfalls, and the steps to starting your own successful business, either on your own, or as a Neurogrowth Learning Success Coach.

I’ve made it as concise and clear as possible.

At just 99 pages, you can read it in an afternoon…

And by the end, you’ll be able to decide whether working privately with students is a good idea, and you’ll know exactly how to get started!

  • 4 reasons why a private practice as a Learning Success Coach is a great idea (especially if you’re looking for flexibility!) (page 5)

  • How it’s possible to replace your income working less than 10 hours per week (page 10)

  • How my early failures resulted in the development of a key methodology for student success (page 21)

  • The Five C’s Success Formula that can help you to overcome any obstacle with a step-by step-plan (page 27)

  • How to avoid living your life passively and get out of that rut (page 35)

  • The simple calculations you need to understand before you can gain clarity on your current situation (page 40)

  • The Five Freedoms you can achieve working independently (Page 44)

  • How achieving transformational results increases happiness (Page 54

  • The Achilles Heel of all teachers and how to avoid falling into the trap (page 57)

  • Why your own self-worth is your greatest asset and how to use it to your advantage (59)

  • Why Coaching is the most effective framework for creating student transformations (page 66)

  • The Four Value Pillars of a Learning Success Coach (page 67)

  • Why you must never 'sell', and what to do instead (page 74)

  • Why unrealistic expectations will lead to failure, and how to manage them (Page 75)

  • The unknown support system available to teachers who work online, and how to access it (page 76)

  • How to take all the risk out of working as an independent and lock in a 100% chance of success (page 83)

  • The personal stories of Heidi, Mike, Madalyn, Chris and other Learning Success Coaches.

  • ...and so much more!

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Here's What To Do Next

This eBook costs just $9.97, and you’ll get it right away as a download.

As soon as you place your order, you'll get an email with a link to download the book.

You'll be able to access it anywhere, immediately, whenever you want without having to lug around a hard copy or wait on the mail.

Oh, and in case you're wondering…

Yes, This WILL Work For You, Too!

In a very short time, this same process has helped dozens and dozens of teachers change their family’s lifestyle and future…

No matter where they are located, how busy their lives are, or how much experience they have.

That’s because you can start your own business practically risk-free and your time is now. It’s BOOMING - parents out there seeking teachers who know how to make a difference, and every year, there's a new generation of students who are struggling to get ahed.

The Investment For This Book Is $9.97...

It depends if you want to measure that in happiness, money, or time.

Surely, the happiness you’d experience spending more time at home with family would far outweigh the investment of $9.97.

And financially, the answer is obviously “substantially more,” because working with students independently can be a very lucrative work-from-home businesses that you can start immediately.

And there’s not a lot of time, because well, if you do have kids, they grow up fast. And if you don’t, well, life passes quickly.

So right about now, you might be thinking, “this sounds too good to be true!”

But rest assured…

There is no catch

I've decided to give you this entire book for $9.97 so you can see for yourself how starting a business with private students either independently or as a Learning Success Coach, is one of the best things that could happen for your family right now.

I’ve packed as much value as possible into this book in hopes that you’ll love it, get amazing results, and maybe even want to join our movement of Certified Learning Success Coaches.

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You Don’t Have To Wait Any Longer Or Try To Figure This Out On Your Own

Click the button below to order your copy today so you can discover what’s truly possible for your career (and family).

I appreciate you taking the time to read this and I hope this book changes everything for you and your family!

~ Kohila

P.S. Just in case you’re like me and sometimes skip to the end of a page, here's the deal:

I'm offering you a 99-page book that walks you through the pros and cons of working independently with students, including how to make a big impact, avoid common pitfalls, and the steps to starting your own practice.

Working with students privately is different than any other stay-at-home job, because it offers flexibility and amazing pay.

The book is $9.97

There is no "catch" to this offer. You will not get signed up for anything else or get any annoying phone calls from a salesperson.

Click here and claim your copy now. You won't regret it.

or if you prefer, you can order a hardcopy from www.amazon.com

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